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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/Ep. 45: 2022 Platypus International Convention & the German Platypus Review

Ep. 45: 2022 Platypus International Convention & the German Platypus Review

In the first part of the episode our co-hosts Lisa Müller und Rebekah Parlar sit down with Platypus member Clint Montgomery to talk about our annual international Platypus Convention. Our international Convention, which is sort of the highlight in your platypus calendar, will take place in Chicago from the 31st of March until April the 3rd. In the segment Lisa, Rebekah and Clint talk about why this year's convention will be held under the overarching theme of “Marxism and the ends of liberalism”, what that has to do with the COVID pandemic and what other events will be hosted during the convention. Whether you you want to meet Platypus members from all over the world, discuss global trends within the left and its history or get a sense of meaning of the death of the left for our current moment in history, you should come to Chicago and get yourself a ticket for the convention. Your Shit Platypus say podcast team will be there as well!
For the second part of the episode Lisa and Rebekah talk with the editor in chief of the German Platypus Review, Tobias Rochlitz. - Tobias, Rebekah and Lisa discuss the failure of the New left with articles on Hans-Jürgen Krahl and the 1968s movement; an Interview with Wolf Wetzel on the disintegration of the autonomous movement in the 1970s and the response from Michael Fischer to an article from our Member Max Hörügel on the Failure of the early Anti-Deutsch current within the left.

+2022 Platypus International Convention
>The official website of the convention:…onvention/2022_/

+Mentioned in he German Platypus Review segment
>Platypus panel on “Corona und die Linke”:
>Platypus teach-in on "The Millennial Left is dead":
>Platypus panel on "Die Krise des Neoliberalismus":
>Ep. 43: On the Freedom Convoy, the Austrian Communist Party (KPÖ) & 2021 Platypus Highlights:…ypus-highlights/
>Lenin - What is to be done: