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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/Workers in a Time of War (public forum)

Workers in a Time of War (public forum)

Pakistan and the Crisis of the International Labor Movement

Sunday December 6th at 2pm
International House, University of Chicago 1414 E. 59th Street

A moderated panel discussion and audience Q&A bringing together three leading figures of the Pakistani labor movement to talk about workers rights, women’s rights, the struggle to organize in the shadow of the Taliban, and the impact of the ongoing war in Afghanistan on the workers of Pakistan. These topics will be explored in light of the increasingly pressing need to reconstitute an international Left.


Rubina Jamil, President of the Working Women Organization
Atiya Khan, Platypus, Phd candidate at the University of Chicago

Background reading:
The Failure of Pakistan: A Concise History of the Left
The Poverty of Pakistan's Politics

Audio recording.

Workers in a Time of War Poster

Co-sponsored by the International House Global Voices Program and the Center for International Studies.