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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/30 Years of the Islamic Revolution in Iran: The Tragedy of the Left

30 Years of the Islamic Revolution in Iran: The Tragedy of the Left


Thursday, November 5, 7:00 PM  |  International House
(1414 E. 59th Street, Chicago IL  60637)

iran-protestA moderated panel discussion and audience Q&A on the legacy and effects of the Islamic Revolution for the Left, both in Iran and internationally, addressing the still-vexing questions of the relationship of anti-imperialism, democracy, and religious fundamentalism for potential responses to this year's election crisis and protests.
In association with the International House Global Voices Performing Arts Program, Amnesty International, the Center for Gender Studies, the Workshop on Middle East History and Theory, and the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory (3CT). Free and open to the public. Persons with disabilities that may need assistance should contact the Office of Programs & External Relations in Advance of the Program at 773-753-2274.